Nutritional Ingredients
Pharmaceutical Ingredients
About us
仁友公司成立於1987年4月,主要業務是國內西藥原料、動物用藥品原料、中間體與保健營養食品原料之銷售。1987年10月仁友開始進口各項原料,並協助國內原料生產廠商外銷西藥原料及中間體,至德國、日本、韓國、南非、加拿大、新加坡與馬來西亞等國家。 合作國際製造商包括德國 Dr. Paul Lohmann、挪威 XELLIA、IVAX、西班牙Curia Spain S.A.U、印度Sun Pharma 、 Fleming 、Aurobindo、義大利OLON、瑞典Polypeptide、捷克Teva日本Kongo、韓國IL YANG、 CKD Bio Corp.、 Jeil Pharm、安丘魯安 、浙江華海藥業…等。
2005年成立營養品部門,進口營養保健原料提供給國內自有品牌之營養保健食品業者。合作國際製造商包括:荷蘭 DSM、美國 Kemin、ALGRY、中國INNOBIO及日本TAMA、BIZEN、AKITA MEIJYO等大廠。
Our Services
We provide a wide range of consulting services
Providing Market Insight
We analyze and interpret data related to the global pharmaceutical market, including trends in drug development and approvals, competitive landscape, regulatory changes, and pricing policies in different regions.
Sourcing Products
We acquire safe and effective medicines by finding reliable suppliers, checking quality, negotiating prices, and managing logistics to make the process cost-effective.
Meeting Regulations
We help you obtain necessary permits, ensure compliance with labeling and packaging requirements, and provide documentation to prove product safety and authenticity.
Transportation Management
Moving goods efficiently by selecting transport modes, negotiating rates, tracking shipments, and managing customs requirements for timely and cost-effective delivery.
Resonable contract
We focus on maintaining good relationships with all of our customers and suppliers while minimizing the risk of legal disputes. By establishing fair contracts, we ensure the smooth operation of our business activities.
Our Partners
We partner with companies from Asia, America, and Europe